Thursday, July 26, 2007

Back in Body, not in Heart!

For all of you that have checked our blog over the last two weeks, I am sorry! We did not have a chance to blog during our trip to China. Today is my first day back at work. We flew in late Sunday night and my husband drove home and I was chauffeured by my parents to a conference in Waco, so last night was my first night back at home. I will blog each day of our trip when I can, but until then, you can see the blog that our team leader did for the trip!

Everyone has said, "I bet you are glad to be home." In all honesty, no! I don't really feel like I am at home. Part of it is because of the high that I was on during the trip. Part of it was the closeness that I felt to God. Part of it is the children that we fell in love with and that I miss. And part of it is because my heart is not really here anymore. It is halfway across the world!

Being back is hard! No one understands what we have been through. I don't really expect people to fully understand. I myself do not fully understand what we have been through. But most people do not really make an effort to hear what you can describe about the trip. The people that I thought would be the first ones to ask and listen about our trip have not even asked about it! Not to make light of what our men and women in the military go through, but I told my husband that I feel like that I have just come back from war and no one knows what I have been through! Maybe that is for the best! All I know is that I am changed and I know that God has more in store for me and those people that I came in contact with. Maybe I am the only one who needs to know that!

Sorry for all the talk, but I needed to vent! Like I said, I will tell more about the trip in detail later in my blog, but just know this. God may not be welcome in China, but He was still very present in China over the last two weeks!


Anonymous said...

Am glad you are home safely. I have prayed for many things for you and John during this time.
You are right, I may not know how you feel... but I do want to hear about it and will be anxious to read your posts.

Carrie said...

I know exactly how you feel -- we were in the same place you were 2 years ago, and now we're moving to China! So, you never know what God has planned... hang in there; a new "normal" will come soon... it will never be far from your mind/heart, but it does get easier to function after a while.