Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's Time...

Yes, it has been several months since I have updated my blog, but I have a good reason why I haven't! She's two months old! Chances are you will be seeing a lot more of her on here as well. I've posted her birth day story and I'll be posting more pictures later.

Genna turned two months old on July 5. She had a big weekend of firsts. On Sunday, she celebrated her first 4th of July, her first night away from Mommy and Daddy with a sleepover at Gigi and Pops house, her first trip to Freebirds (one of Mommy and Daddy's favorite places to eat), first swim in our pool, and first day at the babysitters!

She also had her first shots last week. We went in for her four month checkup and we weighed 12.1 pounds (75 %), was 22 3/8 inches long (50%), and her head was 15 1/4 inches (80%). She has a big brain!! Daddy held her for the four (YES FOUR!) shots, one oral and three in her little legs, while mommy stood in the corner and cried! Genna cried for a little while, but settled down very quickly!

Time has flown by so fast. I cried last night because she turns 10 weeks old today and it has just flown by. Here are some things that I want to remember about Genna:
  • She is the most wonderful baby. She hardly ever cries, only fusses when she is hungry, needs a diaper change, or when she is cold getting out of the bathtub!
  • She changes so much every day!
  • She loves to pull herself up and stand on mommy and is really trying to talk. More sounds come out each day and they are the sweetest thing.
  • She loves her little playmat and is starting to grab at the toys around her. She loves the bug that plays music.
  • She loves the music at church (not sure about the preaching yet) and music in the car will usually quieten her down.
  • She found her thumb about a week ago and is now a naptime and nighttime thumb-sucker. She gets that from mommy and daddy, but mostly daddy!
  • She doesn't like the carseat, but likes when the car is moving.
  • She moves ALL OVER the bed. She is always turned completely around when we go to get her up in the mornings.
  • She has slept in her bed since she was three days old and started sleeping through the night the day she turned six weeks. She would sleep from 7 am until 7 pm if we let her, but she is not a great napper.
  • Pops kept her all by himself before she started going to the babysitter. I am sure she had him trained!
  • She is one of the best things that had ever happened to me and I love her so much! I knew that I would, but it is so much greater than I thought that it could be!

More updates to come soon...

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