Friday, November 13, 2009

Sixteen Weeks

Here are sixteen things about being sixteen weeks pregnant...
  • Morning sickness (or any sickness) has almost disappeared! I said almost because I still have those "green" moments or episodes when I brush my teeth...but we are getting closer.
  • I am starting to get some of my energy back. From about week 7-9, maybe 10, I could barely function once I got in from work. I hit the couch or the bed and was out of order for the rest of the night and for at least two weekends I did nothing but lay around. I blame this on the nausea as well, but it is finally coming back.
  • I am starting to show, a little. I already had a little pooch below my belly button...I am not a stick figure type of gal to begin with, and now the pooch is a little bigger and hard as a rock. Still not wearing maternity clothes, but that will probably change as the pooch grows into a bump.
  • You learn that you cannot take anything for sickness when you are pregnant. My hubby got sick earlier in the week and was diagnosed with an upper respiratory infection and acute bronchitis, so needless to say, we slept in different rooms and have tried to avoid contact with each other. But Wednesday night, I started getting a sore throat and ended up going to the clinic yesterday to find that even though my strep culture came back negative, they are treating me for strep because it can be dangerous for me and the baby. But, they cannot treat you with the medicines that they treat everyone else with so they give you something that they hope will work because your options are pretty much Tylenol and Tylenol...for everything!!
  • You still have to go to the bathroom a lot even though everybody told me that it would get better when I crossed into the blissful second trimester. I am putting in a request for a port-a-potty to be added to my office!
  • We hopefully get to find out in a mere two and 3/4 days what our baby is. Monday morning is our appointment so this weekend I will be drinking lots more water (and going to the bathroom a whole lot more, if that is possible) to help get P-Body moving around so we can hopefully see his or her "stuff". I cannot wait! It is like Christmas a month and a half early.
  • I still crave meat, which has really been my only pregnancy craving. I have always eaten meat, but I am very particular on the meat I eat and am more of a veggie kind of girl. In fact, except for the occasional steak, pre-pregnancy I could have been a vegetarian and have been for months at a time. But now, GO MEAT!! I guess that my body needs the protein. Also, P-Body does not like sugar. Nothing sweet, except tea. So hopefully, that has helped with my chances of diabetes and weight gain.
  • Speaking of which, my total pregnancy weight gain has been -3 pounds, probably because I have been so sick. I think that will change this month with the pooch and lack of being sick. Hopefully it is just one or two pounds. Pray that it is!!
  • I have not really started nesting, but I am finding that I want everything in my home that is not something that we use often or that I decorate with out of the house. I want to have a garage sale and declutter everything around me. I have not gotten too far with those thoughts, but figure that we will have one as soon as I can clean.
  • My priorities have shifted, if only in my mind. I find myself thinking of things that I can do to make life easier, simpler, ways that I can spend time with my family. I am finding the need to eliminate the things that get in the way of that and clutter up our lives. My hubby and I have already discussed things that we will and will not do once the baby is born in terms of extracurricular activities.
  • I have not bought anything (except diapers) for the baby, but figure that will change Monday. I figure that once we know what the baby is, let the shopping begin. It just makes things so much easier!
  • We still cannot decide on names. I know, we have 24 more weeks to go, but I am a planner. We have more girl names that we can agree on than boy names and since we think that P-Body is a boy, that might be a problem. Hopefully when we only have to think of names for one gender, it will help us narrow a name down.
  • I'm learning that everyone that calls to check on us, really is just calling to check on the baby...and it is not even here yet. I know that it is only going to get worse!
  • Things might get better in the second trimester, but my mind is still gone. I am usually so good at remembering birthdays, things that I need to do, the grocery list without having to write things down, but since I have been pregnant, I cannot remember much of anything. Hopefully that comes back!
  • My to do list gets longer and longer...the things that I can remember to write on it!
  • We are one week closer to holding our precious gift from God in our arms!


Dawn said...

Girl! Get used to carrying a note book in your purse to remember
EVERYTHING! Granted I am alot older than you, but my memory has gone down hill fast the past two months! Glad you are getting past the sickness. Too funny to hear you wanting meat! The extra iron in the red meat will help with not being so tired too! Can't wait to hear the good news from Monday!

Christina said...

You are so good to update everyone on your pregnancy! Glad to hear you are feeling better. I'll be looking for you to blog on Monday afternoon!!!