Monday, April 16, 2007

Weekend Recap!

Why is it that Saturday and Sunday race by and Monday hits you so hard? All days have 24 hours, but weekend 24 hours are totally different from workday 24 hours! Why??

I had grand plans of what I wanted to accomplish this weekend, but again, just like it being Monday again, I am disappointed!! I agreed to proctor an exam on Saturday morning to make a little extra money to put towards our mission trip to China! I have not seen the money yet, which is why I can say...what was I thinking?? When the alarm went off at 5:30am on Saturday morning, I regretted my decision. And again when my husband and my doggie were cuddled up in bed at 6:45am when I left the house, I regretted my decision. And when I pulled up to the place that I work everyday on a Saturday, I once again regretted my decision. Of course, when I get that check in the mail, I will think, "Hey, that was not too bad. I'm going to sign up for that again!" Actually, it was not that bad and I would do it again...even on a Saturday!!

My husband was in town after I finished Saturday morning, so I met him for a little home improvement shopping and lunch. And I say he was "in town" because we do not live "in town". "Town" is a place that you have to drive to from where we live. "Town" has a Wal-Mart! Anyway, we headed back home where he began the home improvement project. It was really on our pool house and I use that term loosely. We call our storage building our "pool house" because it is located close to our pool...or cement pond! Currently, the "pool house" contains maintenance equipment for the pool and boxes of junk and we are hoping to sell at our upcoming garage sale! Last week the door fell off and the appeal of the pool house lost some of it's luster! Well, replacing the door on the pool house turned into a total renovation. After two full days of work by my husband and lots of help from my brother-in-law, the new door is on...along with a new floor, support beams, and underpinning! Slap on a couple of coats of paint and it might might actually live up to it's name!

While I did help put in the door yesterday afternoon, most of my weekend was spend indoors. We are planning a garage sale in three weeks. A couple in our Sunday School class that have become incredible friends to us, invited us to share their garage sale with them because they knew that we were trying to raise money for our trip! Since we don't really have a place to have one (because we live out in the boonies) they offered to let us have one with them at a premium locale! So when I got home Saturday I started by cleaning out my closet...again. I have tons of clothes already packed away in boxes ready to sell, but what is a few more...especially if it will get us closer to China! I continued to tackle the rest of the house and was able to pack up two big trashbags and seven boxes worth of stuff that we do not need! I hope that I do not have to bring any of it back home!

I was hoping to be able to get my husband's closet and dresser cleaned out, but that did not happen. He will not let me go through his stuff...probably because he knows that I will just throw it ALL away! He tends to be a packrat and I tend to be obsessive compulsive about cleanliness, clutter, and organization! Maybe we can get that accomplished this week and be able to finish getting everything together and priced for the sale! Why can't there be more weekends and less workdays?

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