Thursday, April 3, 2008

Coming soon...Luke Foster!

It's a boy!! Congratulations to Kim and Thomas! Luke should arrive sometime in August and now everyone is excited for his arrival since we know who (and what) we are expecting! As I was filling a blue pail last night with all kinds of fun baby boy things, I read on the back of a book, "Every child born into the world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility." (Kate Douglas Wiggin) And today, looking at the sonogram pictures of little Luke, I cannot imagine how people can abort a baby. He was so alive and such a little person and has been since day one of his creation. He will have the chance to be all that he can imagine, all that God wants him to be because he will be given life and all that encompasses! I cannot wait to meet him and tell him how much he is wanted and loved! Congrats again! He will be more wonderful than we can even imagine!

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