Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We are's Little Miss P-Body!!

On Monday we had our BIG sonogram. When we got to the office, it was full, which usually is not the case and then while we are waiting two families with new babies came in as well. We waited not so patiently as everyone else's names were called and we wondered why if our appointment was at 10:00 am, why we were not called back since it was now 10:30! Finally, a lady called our name and since I didn't know her, I assumed that she was a new nurse. I handed my purse to my hubby and told him that she was going to weigh me and I probably didn't need to extra weight, but she said, "No weighing today, come on back." Turns out that she was the sono tech and she was wonderful. She went into so much detail about P-Body spending almost half an hour telling us all about the baby. Daddy (my hubby) got to video the sono too so that we can show P-Body to our families. It was amazing to see everything so much more clearly. There was a lot of movement and it was incredible to watch. I don't understand how someone could see a sonogram and wonder how God can exist. Such a wonderful miracle that deserves to have a chance at life. We are blessed and I hope that we can give her a life full of more than what we can imagine for her. God is so good!

Here are some facts about Baby P-Body:
  • She is a girl! We know for sure and have the pictures to prove it!
  • She weighs 11.5 ounces.
  • She is 7.5 inches long, crown to rump.
  • She is breech, but she did some flip-flops this morning and I could feel them and see them, so maybe she flipped around.
  • Her stomach is looking good, meaning that she is drinking fluid like she should be.
  • We could see all the lobes of her brain and ventricles of her heart and all looked good.
  • We saw her kidneys, liver, fingers, toes, and a whole lot more that I cannot remember.
  • Her heartbeat was 149.
  • She moved a lot during the sono. And I'm pretty sure she likes music because the first time that I really felt her move was at church and the organ was loud! She was getting into it.
  • She likes to have her hands around her face. She has been that way in both sonograms.
  • When we wanted to see if she was a boy or girl, she put her feet really close together so we couldn't see. Guess that means she is modest like her mommy...not like daddy!
  • But, she does have a slightly smaller than average head like daddy! Well, daddy's is probably a lot smaller than average, but mommy has a melon head and so mommy has been praying that her head would be least on its way out!
  • All her measurements are average and she is growing very well at 20 weeks.
  • The sonogram predicted her due date at April 30, daddy and mommy's 5th anniversary, but since it is only a three day change from the 27th, they left it alone. Her Pops hopes that she waits until May 2 (his birthday) to make her arrival, but mommy would be okay with her coming early as long as she is ready to come out.
  • She is so very loved and is so much fun already, even if she is not here for us to hug, kiss, and play with yet!
We have decided to name her Genevieve Kennedy, and we will call her Genna (pronounced like Jenna). We are not positive that her middle name will be Kennedy, but pretty sure. (It is going to be a big name for a little girl.) Kennedy was her great-grandmother's maiden name, so it has special meaning. My side of the family will probably call her Genna K (after her Gigi, my mom Kay, and my middle name as well). Genevieve was the only name (boy or girl) that daddy and I could agree on. We like it because it is different and there probably will not be another Genevieve in her class. Daddy came up with Genna, which I loved, too. Her Gigi, being a Kindergarten teacher for too long, is worried about her having to write out Genevieve. She says that all the other kids will be out on the playground and she will still be writing her name. What Gigi doesn't know is that Genna will be the smartest one in her class and will already know how to write her name before she starts school, so it won't be a problem!

I bought some antique furniture for her room this weekend at Canton and was very happy on Monday when they told me she was a girl, especially since I could not take the furniture back! I can't wait to start fixing up her room! We are using black, white, and lime green in her room and here is a look at her bedding.

Note, her room will not look exactly like this, but I hope to get close with a vintage twist since I am probably using my old baby bed, vintage furniture from the 1930s, and daddy's old glider rocker, which was a gift from her Ge, daddy's mom. She already has a lot of clothes (on loan from her little sister, our China Doll) in a variety of sizes, but for the first year, we are going to have to go shopping, because we figured the China Doll will be close to a year old when she arrives so all of the clothes start at 12-month. I am sure that shopping will not be a problem for me or Gigi. I could spend all my money on clothes at Canton alone, but pretty sure that daddy would not approve.

All in all, things are going well and I am exciting about preparing more for her arrival. We can't wait for her to meet everyone!


Sommer said...

Umm!! I did not know Mrs. P-Body had a name!!! I love the bedding...I am sooooooooo excited for you!!!!

greensocks212 said...

Hi I was just browsing through the internet at lime green and black baby bedding and it popped up a picture that me to your site! I was wondering where you found this bedding and room set? Thank you!