Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back to the Blog

Yes, I know! It is been a long time! Too long...but I am back in the blogging mode. 2010 has held a lot for us and in the next few weeks, there will be even more! Since the beginning of the year, I have switched jobs, we have traveled a lot on weekends, and we are now 35 weeks pregnant! All of it is so exciting.

I am loving my new (old) job. I went back to work for the University that I graduated from and that I worked for during the first three years that we were married. They asked me to come back in late December and I started mid-January. It is basically the same position that I had before and a lot less stress. Plus, my hubby and I can carpool and get to spend more time together, we are close to my doctor and hospital, I have lots of time off, and I work with some wonderful people!

We have made lots of little small trips over the weekends this year. We went to visit family in early February for family birthdays. At the end of February, we made our annual Amtrak train ride to stay in downtown Ft. Worth for "daddy" to run the half in the Cowtown marathon. We go with some friends of ours and always have a blast. I was off for Spring Break last week (another praise for my job) and we took our last weekend away as a married couple without kids. We only went to Dallas, but we made absolutely no plans and had a wonderful time. We did a lot, but we got to pick and choose what we wanted to do on our own schedule.

Last but CERTAINLY not least, we are preparing for the arrival of our little Genna. She is now a mere five weeks away from her debut date, but I pray that she arrives just a little sooner!! I went to the doctor yesterday and go back in two weeks. After that it is once a week! That means we are getting closer. I spent most of spring break (with the help of Gigi and Pops) putting her nursery together. It is finally complete and we are excited about it being ready for her to arrive! Daddy has been wonderful in working hard to make sure that all of her furniture was sanded, painted, distressed, and had a coat of poly. Him and Uncle Rusty put up crown molding and lighting in her room and it is beautiful. Gigi, Pops, and Daddy also helped me clean the house last week so that hopefully we can do a little each day to maintain it and keep it clean. I will post pictures of her room soon.

On Sunday, we had our first baby shower given by some wonderful friends. In fine Texas fashion, we woke up to the ground covered in snow and then yesterday it was 70 degrees again. But the weather did not keep our friends and family away and they got a chance to come over and see Genna's room after the very generous and beautiful shower. I will have to post pics of the shower as well.

Tonight we have our last birthing class. We are watching a video (which terrifies all the daddies in the class) and touring Labor and Delivery in the hospital. Yesterday was an exciting afternoon for us. I went to the restroom right before leaving work and heading to grab some dinner before our class. While I was in there, I felt this big shift, like everything in my body just fell downwards. It didn't hurt, so I didn't think much of it. But during dinner, I had my first real contraction. And then walking into the hospital for class, I had another one. By the time that class was over, Genna was gone! I guess the big shift that I felt was her dropping down and getting ready, because my baby bump was almost non-existent again she had dropped so low. We asked the nurse about it and she could tell that she had dropped but told us not to be worried about the contractions if there were only 4-6 per hour and if I could still feel her moving around. I can still feel her, it is just that all the movement I feel is below my belly button now. When we got home, Daddy packed his bag...but mine is still not packed, yet! I am working on it, though! We hope to get our cars detailed this week so we can go ahead and get the carseats installed. I hope that she comes sooner rather than later, but I know she will come when she is ready!

Ready or not, our lives are getting ready to change...for the better! I'll keep you all posted!


Sommer said...

Oh Alli!!! I am so excited for you I can hardly stand it!! Hope your shower this weekend went good! Can't wait to see the sweet baby's room

amber. said...

How exciting! I can't wait to see pictures! :)

Christina said...

Can't wait to meet Genna! Please post nursery pics soon!