Thursday, August 5, 2010

Three Months Old!

It is so hard for me to believe that Genna is already three months old today. She is the joy in our lives and I could not imagine life without her. In fact, we have almost forgotten what life was like without her! She is such a blessing.

Here is our little cupcake after getting ready this morning!
And here she is sharing her sweet smile with Mommy!

And this is how Genna finished her workout with Mommy. Mommy felt the same way...

Here are a few things about Genna at three months old that I don't want to forget.

  • She loves her thumb. She found it two days before she was two months old and it is her favorite friend. It will comfort her and put her to sleep most of the time. A paci works sometimes, but it is not the same.
  • She likes to sleep on her side, sucking her thumb (mostly her left one) and has been rolling over on her tummy during the night, which she hates. She makes sure that mommy and daddy know so we can go turn her back over.
  • She rarely cries, only when she is super hungry, really dirty or wet, or really tired. She just started "talking" when she is super sleepy and will sometimes talk herself to sleep.
  • She is starting to hold her toys, shake her rattles, and chew on things. Mommy is pretty sure there is a tooth coming in on her bottom right side, but she won't let me look at it.
  • She is a great sleeper at night, but doesn't take naps very well. She usually sleeps from 8:00 pm until 6:00 am when we wake her up to head to work.
  • She has been going to the babysitter for a month tomorrow and she is great. I think that she is learning some things from the big girls there.
  • She has the most precious smiles and gives them almost every time that she sees mommy and daddy. She is also making the sweetest noises.
  • She loves to hold onto your fingers and pull herself up to the standing position. She is looking all around now, watching your every move, and tracking people. She even watched daddy's truck pull away from work the other day from sitting inside mommy's tahoe.
  • Daddy gives her a bath every night and mommy feeds her, reads to her, and tucks her in bed. We love this time with her.
  • She loves to walk around when you are holding her and she has started holding on to your hand when you are walking her for feeding her.
  • She started holding her feet while she is playing on her playmat. I am sure that they will make their way to her mouth soon.
  • She loves her playmat and sometimes the swing, but it usually puts her to sleep.
  • She no longer flinches when Dudley and Dekker give her kisses. She has started watching them more.
  • She likes to lay on mommy and daddy's bed. It usually makes her calm down.
  • She can sit up for a good while on her own, but she is still leaning forward, almost touching her face to her toes. She likes the Bumbo chair, but only for limited times and not after she just ate.
  • She always crosses her feet at the ankles when she is eating or sleeping on her side. So sweet.
  • She is the closest thing to perfect that I know!!

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