Thursday, August 19, 2010

10 Things on Thursday

I thought if I came up with something that I could blog on a weekly basis, I might be more likely to keep it up. So here is my new weekly Thursday post, "10 Things on Thursday" just to let you have a sneak peek into my life!

Today I Am: the sound of someone blowing off the sidewalks at the college I work at. Today is move in day for new and returning students. A busy day and I am currently the only one in my office.

Reading...three books. I have an insane attention span at this time. "The 19th Wife" by David Ebershoff is what I started reading first. It is good, but switches back between present day and the late 1800's and sometimes it is a lot more history than I can take during my lunch break or right before bed. I am also reading, "What to Expect the First Year" to try to keep up with things for Genna. Yesterday I forgot my book to read, so during lunch I ran to the public library (which I LOVE) and checked out Laura Bush's Bio, "Spoken from the Heart". It is really good so far.

Obsessed with...projects! I am so anxious to do some projects, but every night, I find myself not being able to start anything because of little things that need to be done around the house. I do have several projects in mind that I am going to get to sometime. And I have been able to plan ahead on the weekends and make dinner and get clothes ready for the entire week to save some time at night. Hopefully I can be more creatively productive soon.

Thinking baby girl. One year ago today I found out I was going to be a mommy! It was the best feeling and now nothing can compare to seeing my sweet Genevieve smile at me. She is just about the best thing ever!

Planning to...have a Canton weekend soon! At the end of September, my hubby is heading off hunting and me and G are going to have a girls' weekend in Canton. I'm sure Gigi and Pops will come too and some cousins are coming down from Midland. I just need to go!!
Dreaming of...being in a better place, physically, emotionally, organizationally, financially, etc. new dishes for my hubby. I have made seven or eight new recipes in the last few weeks and he has loved every one of them. I'm proud of myself because he is a picky eater!

Vowing to...keep losing weight. I am 25 pounds lighter than when I found out I was pregnant a year ago. I hope to lose about 25 more.

Working on...organizing my house more and to get ready for a garage sale. But only when it is cooler outside!
Excited about...all of the above!!
And I have to leave you with two pictures. One is of my hubby one year ago today when he found out that he was going to be a daddy!
And the next of me and my sweet G this morning! What a difference a year can make!

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