Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Always, Sometimes, Never

I was challenged to do this from a friend's blog...here goes!

kiss my baby girl goodnight
love to see my hubby playing with Genna
count my blessings when I am rocking G to sleep
love dessert
wish I had more time with my family
enjoy a date night with my honey
pray that God keeps my family safe
hope I can fulfill all my dreams

want another child (right away!)
wish I was a better planner
don't get around to reading my Bible enough
get mad at stupid things
start things that I don't finish
wish things were easier
dread working out
wish I could stop time
mind getting up with G in the middle of the night
get tired of snuggling with my hubby
turn down steak for dinner
go to bed without taking a bath
knew I would love being a mommy this much
can keep my house clean like I did before a baby
try to miss an opportunity to learn something new
want to forget any moment that I have with Genna

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